Jeff Conner

Jeff Conner

Mobility Aids that May Lessen the Impact of ALS

Mobility aids may help some individuals living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS. Since this degenerative disease impacts strength and motor control, specific adaptive devices may ease the strain for the individual while preserving their autonomy as long as possible.…

Will a Stairlift Add Value to my Life?

Wondering if a stairlift has value for you? The short answer is ‘yes’ and here is why: Stairlifts improve home and property values. Stairlifts reduce the risk of a fall in the home. Stairlifts facilitate aging in place. The peace…

Safe Gardening with Limited Mobility

Enjoy gardening? There are many holistic health advantages to spending time working with nature outside. Make the most of your yard and garden with mobility solutions and strategies that can improve safety and preserve autonomy. If accessibility is preventing you…

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