Sharon Morris

Sharon Morris

5 Tips To Ease The Stress Of Caregiving

With April being Stress Awareness Month, this is a great time to consider the stresses associated with caregiving. Senior home care can often be very trying on loved ones who are obliged to care for their elderly parents, and even for professionals…

Dancing For Physical And Mental Health

With National Dance Week scheduled for April 19th through April 28th, now is a good time to consider the benefits provided by dancing. Your personal care professionals in the area recommend dancing to improve your physical and mental dispositions, and to add…

Alzheimers & Dementia Care

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or Dementia can be difficult. As these diseases progress, your loved one will experience many behavioral and cognitive changes. A loss of interest in personal care is common, as are changes in the…

End-of-Life Care

End-of-Life Care is a difficult process for both a loved one and those who care for them. At Safe and Sound Home Care, we work alongside home hospice and home health to provide comfort and care during End of Life…

Parkinson’s Care

Each person with Parkinson’s will experience symptoms differently. Many people experience tremor as their primary symptom, while others may not have tremors, but may have problems with balance. For some people, the disease progresses quickly, and in others it does not. It…

Diabetes Care

At Safe and Sound Home Care, we know the challenges that come with a Diabetes diagnosis. They can be even harder when an elderly loved one has to take on these challenges alone. That’s why we hire and train caregivers*…

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