Tim Colling

Tim Colling

Newsletter Subscription and Archives

Safe and Sound Home Care Newsletter [newsletter] Safe and Sound Home Care Newsletter Archive To make wise decisions about services for your elderly loved ones, you need need up to date eldercare news and information. The Safe and Sound Home…

Vigil Program

Our Volunteer Department provides vigil to our patients in their place of residence. We created a vigil program in 2007 to provide special volunteer support at the bedside for those who appear to have only a day or two to…

Caring Connections Program

A Transitions Program Pathways is honored to be a part of your caregiving team and would like to stay in touch if you transition off our services. Through Caring Connections, Pathways provides practical and emotional support to patients discharged from…

Veterans Resources

Community Resources for Veterans Veteran Benefits (WHV) Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Veterans Service Organizations VFW: Veterans of Foreign Wars DAV: Disabled American Veterans FRA: Fleet Reserve Association PVA: Paralyzed Veterans of America VVA: Vietnam Veterans of America American Legion…